Чарлз Тейлор - Опытный пастор

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Чарлз Тейлор - Опытный пастор
Название: Опытный пастор
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Дата добавления: 24 февраль 2019
Количество просмотров: 169
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Опытный пастор - читать бесплатно онлайн , автор Чарлз Тейлор
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• Ellis A. and Harper R.A. A New Guide to Rational Living. North Hollywood, Calif.: Wilshire.

• Frank J.D. 1974. Persuasion and Healing. Rev. ed. New York: Schocken.

• Garland D.S.R. and Garland D.E. 1986. Beyond Companionship: Christians in Marriage. Philadelphia: Westminster.

• Gaylin W. 1979. Feelings: Our Vital Signs. San Francisco: Harper and Row.

• Grieger R. and Boyd J. 1980. Rational–Emotive Therapy. New York: D. Van Nostrand.

• Gurman A.S. and Razin A.W. 1977. Effective Psychotherapy: A Handbook of Research. New York: Pergamon.

• Hammond D., Hepworth D.H. and Smith V.G. 1977. Improving Therapeutic Communication. San Francisco: Jossey–Bass.

• Hauck P.A. 1973. Overcoming Depression. Philadelphia: Westminster; 1974. Overcoming Frustration and Anger. Philadelphia: Westminster; 1975. Overcoming Worry and Fear. Philadelphia: Westminster.

• Jacobs M. 1985. Swift to Hear: Facilitating Skills in Listening and Responding. London: SPCK.

• Jones R.C. 1968. A Factored Measure of Ellis' Irrational Belief System with Personality and Maladjustment Correlations. Ph.D. diss., Texas Tech University, 1968. Dissertation Abstracts 29:4379A–80A.

• Oden T.C. 1969. The Structure of Awareness. Nashville: Abingdon.

• Rogers C. 1961 .On Becoming a Person. New York: Houghton Miftlin.

• Truax C.B. and Carkhuff R.R. 1967. Toward Effective Counseling and Psychotherapy. Chicago: Aldine.

• Virkler H.A. 1980. The Facilitativeness of Parish Ministers. Journal of Psychology and Theology 8:140–46.

• Ward J.N. 1983. Contemplation. In The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Spirituality, ed. G. S. Wakefield. 95–96. Philadelphia: Westminster.

• Zwemer W.A. and Deffenbacher J.L. 1984. Irrational Beliefs, Anger, and Anxiety. Journal of Counseling Psychology 31:391–93.

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